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Central Power. 2. Machine Guns. Machine Guns-deadly.-Germany had an upper hand for quality and quantity of machine guns.-German army had 10,000 machine guns compared to the British and French which has less than 1,000 each.-fired 500 rounds per minute. The conditions in the trenches was wet infested with rats lice and many people suffered from trench foot. -Slow, an average of 20 bullets fired per minute Machine Gun +10 bullets per second +Deadly -Heavy -Long reload time Artillery +They could shoot bombs up to a 13 mile distance +Caused shell shock for the enemy -The noise damaged the soldier's ears and could cause brain damage Mustard Gas +Able to rot the enemies body and blister them This meant they were not easy to transport. Machine Guns quite a stealthy weapon! Web. This meant they were not easy to transport. Not only the targets were injured, operators of the machinery and bystanders were endangered as well. Gatling Gun. Problems. Weight includes water in jacket. 2,036,897 men were killed or later died of wounds. Flame Throwers - made by the Germans. Machine Guns. This was a sobering thought. It was still later that planes were actually equipped with weapons- the German Fokker had a built in machine gun that did not disturb the propeller rotation). 3. In that year the United States entered the war bringing decisive industrial resources and manpower with her. They were capable of immense fire power (compared to the bolt action rifles) and could (and did) decimate any force attacking in the open. By 1917, the Germans were reporting that the majority of their small arms ammunition, 90% to be exact, were going into the chambers of their machine guns. Machine Guns quite a stealthy weapon! The weapons include; The most common weapon used in the trenches by . Carry supplies:U-boats used to carry various supplies needed by the German army like food, water, ammunition, and other types of supplies needed for the German to win the war in the British waters. They weighed between 30kg and 60kg, which wasn't too bad for holding a position defensively. The fact that it was quite heavy and had a big crew were disadvantages but it was known to have fired for 24hrs without fault in a battle. What are the disadvantages of the machine gun? This is a reformatted version of Curtis Handsaker's (Z09SS) conversion of World War Machine Guns to 4e that appeared on the RPG Net wiki. The submarine was one of the most terrifying and fear-inspiring weapons of World war 1. Here are four revolutionary WW1 weapons: 1. It had a distinctive barrel cooling shroud (containing a finned, aluminium breech . Disadvantages: - very heavy about 50 kg, making them hard to move. Maxim Machine Gun. Machine guns became overheated in very hot conditions even with a cooling device. Fired more rounds at a faster speed. The modern day equivalent to the WW1 machine gun of the early 1900's is the Mini Gun. In 1914, machine guns were defensive weapons being one of the most efficient weapons World War 1 had seen. All told there was little between the two guns and differences in tactics proved far more important. It weighed 33kg and had a four man crew. The destruction of cities were often disadvantageous to troops; they had little resources and poor shelter. Chlorine gas attacked the eyes and respiratory system; mustard gas did the same but also caused blistering on any exposed skin. The Standschütze Hellriegel was a fully automatic firearm. the pilots had short life expectancies. Disadvantages of machine guns They were very bulky and weighed a lot. By Joan Koh . The M-60 machine gun used by Grunts in Vietnam weighed. The war consisted of many weapons and deadly gases. Disadvantages: - very heavy about 50 kg, making them hard to move. The Lewis gun (or Lewis automatic machine gun or Lewis automatic rifle) is a First World War-era light machine gun.Designed privately in the United States though not adopted there, the design was finalised and mass-produced in the United Kingdom, and widely used by troops of the British Empire during the war. - quickly overheated due to rapid rate of fire. Needed 4-6 people to Work it. Once expertise in machine . -fired 500 rounds per minute. Airplanes could carry a small bomb load, and once the machine gun was synchronized with the propeller, the plane became a viable fighting force. Many of . The German mortars at the start of the war - translated into German as 'minenwerfer' (literally 'mine-thrower') had been designed in 1908-09 and, at a monster-size 25 cm, were rifled mortars mounted upon field carriages (each mortar of this size weighed approximately 95 kg). Aircraft. Tanks needed to have requirements when built and half the tanks built didn't meet those requirements. each form of cooling held with it some advantages and disadvantages. accidentally blow off own propellers. missions, not even carrying a gun on board (it wasn't until later that pilots began bringing pistols, rifles, and light machine-guns on board. Disadvantages They were very bulky and weighed a lot. Advantages: This 7.92 mm gun was equipped to be much easier to reload as the magazine and the clip were included in one gadget that could have been separated, which saved time. The Maschinengewehr des Standschützen Hellriegel in testing, 1915. disadvantages of weapon. Rate of Fire: 600 RPM. With the support of machine guns and artillery, even simple earthworks became formidable defenses. The mobility of these guns was a serious issue for soldiers as you can imagine. Most returned to active service after treatment, but the weapon incapacitated large numbers of troops temporarily and spread terror wherever it was used. - were terrifying weapons. Tanks in this era were to complex for this time and many of the tanks were poorly built. There were a meager 12,000 guns by the time the war broke out in 1914. Weapons of War - Bayonets. The Hotchkiss replaced the less reliable Saint-Etienne machine gun in the French infantry in 1916. Disadvantages :Accuracy. The water tank had two openings, one to fill it with water and the other to release . Disadvantages-maintenance took a lot of time. Pros and Cons. The machine-gun, like other weapons of war, was designed to take lives. A&E The acknowledges the fact that trenches reduced soldier causalities, and protected them against opponents' modern arms, such as machine guns and heavy artillery. Website: Advantages/disadvantages of the machine gun in WW1 Author: Susan Masters Published: 2009 Viewed: 3/10/12 URL: http://machinegunsww1.blogspot.com.au/ Website . A response to the difficult fighting conditions of trench warfare, they were a weapon the use of which the Germans at first gained the upper hand. Offensive grenades used concussion, or shock-waves . Mount(s), if applicable, are listed on the line below the weapon. Its users on both sides in the First World War did their best to maximise its ability to do so. How many soldiers died in ww1 because of machine guns? 1. Disadvantages: The German Mauser could only reach a . Machine guns were weapons that could fire multiple bullets per second without reloading, they usually weighed about 30kg-60kg. . Germany led the way with 6 motorized and 12 horse-drawn . . The Mini gun is a massive improvement from the WW1 era machine gun in nearly every way, for one it was much lighter from 135 pounds of the WW1 machine gun the modern day mini gun weighs only 85 pounds and was developed in the 1960's and can fire about 4000 rounds per minute, a massive improvement from 600. Why did US enter ww1? The MG 08 deployed with only a four man crew, two less than the Vickers. (two) Advantages and disadvantages of poison gas in WWI "Weapons for Attack - World War 1 - Class 6." Weapons for Attack - World War 1 - Class 6. The main disadvantages were that it was dependant on the weather; the change in wind direction could make it unpredictable and even kill your own men! Originally Answered: What are the disadvantages and advantages of machine guns in WW1? This page contains brief summaries of the . The use of mines in any capacity did not become an issue until the end of 1914, when the mobility of the Battle of the Frontiers had broken down, and impromptu fortifications appeared everywhere from Switzerland to the English Channel. This was a sobering thought. The machine guns were extremely heavy. for instance the machine gun often over heated which caused a big problem because they weren't able to use them until they cooled back down. They weighed between 30kg and 60kg, which wasn't too bad for holding a position defensively. The only real disadvantage was their lack of mobility (it took a 2/3 man crew to move it around and operate it). Weight: 55lbs plus 60 lbs tripod. danny sheridan wikipedia: celebrities that live in westchester county, ny: advantages and disadvantages of airplanes in ww1 hshs medical group covid testing by June 5, 2022 June 5, 2022 0 0 These weapons use the Guns/TL6 (LMG) skill Weights and Cost do not include the mount, if any. What were the disadvantages of machine guns in ww1? At the start of World War I, dedicated antiaircraft (AA) weapons were rare. That number, however, would explosively grow to become 100,000 guns in a very short time. to cool them back down they usually put them in water. History of Machine Guns. France possessed two armored cars that carried the Soixante-Quinze (75mm) field gun, and Britain had a handful of motorized 3-inch, 20-hundredweight (cwt) guns but lacked an army unit dedicated to the AA mission. Citations German soldiers wearing gas masks in 1916. Interestingly, the American-originated weapon did not . Features: Calibre: 8mm. Types of Machine Guns. That it was still apparently in commonplace use during the First World War may seem incongruous when compared to leaps in technological warfare typified by artillery, grenades and poison gases . 2,000,876 of those who died were from the army, 34,836 from the navy, and 1185 from colonial forces. Advantages: vastly increased range, vastly increased payloads. It should be noted that water-cooled machine guns . Allies. The general philosophy for their use in the fighting armies was that grenades could kill the enemy underground or behind cover. The soldiers in WW1 had poor living conditions. N.p., n.d. The German MG08, fitted with an optical sight and an armored cover for its water-jacket. bullets. Cons of Artillery. 2. During World War One, developments were at a stage that gave the advantage to the defending army. In World War I, hand grenades were also known as "hand bombs.". Cons of Machine Guns: Transportation of the weapon was slow. It originated in Europe which quickly went global, the war started on the 28th of July 1914 and ended November 11th 1918. The Lewis gun (or Lewis automatic machine gun or Lewis automatic rifle) is a First World War-era light machine gun.Designed privately in the United States though not adopted there, the design was finalised and mass-produced in the United Kingdom, and widely used by troops of the British Empire during the war. This rifle designed by Peter Paul Mauser, was the typical weapon used by the German army during the first world war. Cons of Machine Guns: Transportation of the weapon was slow. But, they were terrible for troops during an advance. Like many other machine guns of the era, it was based on that 1884 Maxim gun. Without it's invention, the great war would have ended very differently, with Brittan being able to transport virtual all their supplies to the . Machine Guns?. What were the disadvantages of machine guns in ww1? Effective:The submarines helped the German to win the war by destroying the ships and supplies of the strong British naval fleet during WWI. Due to this and problems with cost and accuracy, the gun never meet much use on the battlefield. But, they were terrible for troops during an advance. Machine Guns- Probably the best WW1 machine gun is the Vickers gun. Sinking of In early 1917 Berlin forced the issue. Nonetheless, it was attractive. Radio was new and unreliable, often the pilots would fly back to their own lines and drop weighted notes with streamers. Belt-Fed, Water-Cooled Heavy Machine Gun (HMG) [ 1917 ] The Browning M1917 had the distinction of fighting in World War 1, World War 2, the Korean War and the Vietnam War - quite the testament to her original design. The main disadvantages were that it was dependant on the weather; the change in wind direction could make it unpredictable and even kill your own men! There were a meager 12,000 guns by the time the war broke out in 1914. Soon, both sides were using them in large numbers, and these mortars played an important part in the latter period of . The WWI airplane did have its drawbacks, however .