yecenia morales bungee jumping video

Yecenia Morales, 25, died in the tragic bungee jumping . Yecenia Morales Video - Bungee Jumping Accident - Who Is Colombian Woman Yecenia Morales Gomez?Woman plunges 164 feet to death in tragic bungee-jumping accid. As TooFab reports, the tragedy took place on Sunday, in Amag, Colombia. VIDEO: NDRF team saves flood-hit MSEDCL employees La muerte de Yecenia Morales, la mujer que el domingo pasado acudi a practicar bungee jumping, ha generado una gran conmocin debido a que hay diferentes versiones sobre lo ocurrido; presuntamente un paro cardiaco le quit la vida. It is a popular bungee jumping spot in Colombia. Circula en diversas redes sociales el video de una joven colombiana de nombre Yecenia Morales, de 25 aos, quien se lanz del 'bungee' desde un puente en Colombia, pero sin la cuerda de . THIS is the shocking moment a woman dies while bungee jumping after she followed the wrong signal to jump - and wasn't attached to the cord. 26. jla 2021. The young woman reportedly died in midair from a massive heart attack after she realised too late that she had made a disastrous mistake. Fredonia - . "She got confused," Gustavo Guzmn, the mayor of Fredonia, told El Tiempo of the freak accident, which occurred in northern Colombia. Segn relatos, Yecenia Morales buscaba una aventura . Yecenia Morales, 25, fell more than 150ft to her death on Sunday after leaping off a bridge mistakenly believing she had a bungee cord attached. Na Colmbia, uma jovem de 25 anos de idade morreu ao praticar bungee jumping. Yecenia Morales Gomez was standing online at the Sky Bungee Jumping in Amaga, located in Northern Colombia on Sunday, when her boyfriend, who was not identified, was ahead of her online, ready to. Watch the latest News on Channel 7 or stream for free on 7plus >> The lawyer was excited for her first-ever bungee jumping experience after traveling to . Una mujer de 25 aos muri luego de que se lanzara del 'bungee jumping' sin estar completamente asegurada al arns de proteccin en el suroeste de Antioquia, Colombia. Morales and her boyfriend were the company's 90 th jumpers of the day. Erin Donnelly. Circula en diversas redes sociales el video de una joven colombiana de nombre Yecenia Morales, de 25 aos, quien se lanz del 'bungee' desde un puente en Colombia, pero sin la cuerda de . A video of the victim jumping from the viaduct to her death was filmed by another tourist from a nearby cliff. First-time jumper Yecenia Morales, 25, and her unnamed boyfriend had traveled to the Amag viaduct a popular bungee spot on an excursion organized by local company Sky Bungee Jumping, according to Newsflash. Caracas.- Yesenia Morales, abogada de 25 aos, muri cuando practicaba bungee jumping, en un viaducto entre los municipios de Amag y Fredonia en Medelln, Colombia, la tarde del domingo, 18 de julio. A woman called Yevgenia Leontyeva, who was also the mother of three, died in a terrifying bungee accident in Karaganda, Kazakhstan, according to reports. La joven mujer acudi con su novio al viaducto de un antiguo paso de tren localizado entre los municipios de . Dikutip dari Daily Star, turis perempuan yang tewas itu bernama Yecenia Morales, 25 tahun. A woman fell to her death while bungee jumping after leaping from a bridge without a cord attached when she accidentally followed a signal meant for her boyfriend. El trgico accidente ocurri el domingo cuando la profesional estaba con su novio y confundi las pautas de los empleados que le colocaban el arns. Los hechos ocurrieron el pasado 18 de julio entre los municipios de Amag y Fredonia, en donde Yecenia Morales . A video of the victim jumping to his death from the viaduct was filmed by another tourist on a nearby cliff, the reports Day star . The two lovebirds were reportedly the 90th jumpers of the day when they approached the platform. AKIBAT tersalah faham isyarat untuk membuat terjun bungee, membawa padah kepada seorang peguam, Yecenia Morales Gomez, 25, apabila dia terjun tanpa kakinya diikat pada tali yang merupakan keperluan mandatori bagi seseorang yang mahu terjun bungee.. Akibatnya dia jatuh terhempas daripada ketinggian 150 kaki (50 meter) dari jejambat atau viaduct sebuah lebuh raya di Amago, utara Colombia, tempat . Yecenia Morales reportedly died in midair after diving from the bridge in the northern Colombian department of Antioquia on July 18 without a bungee cord around her ankles. Bungee Jumping Accident | Who was Yecenia Morales ? A video of the victim jumping to her death Yecenia Morales, 25, lost her life in a tragic bungee jumping incident. Yecenia Morales Gmez, 25, tragical El hecho, segn las autoridades departamentales y de rescate, ocurri en la tarde del domingo. COSTO: $70 por persona El Museo cuenta con visitas guiadas, donde un experto gua el recorrido por las diferentes salas. Una joven identificada como Yecenia Morales muri al practicar bungee jumping, en un viaducto entre los municipios de Amag y Fredonia, en el suroeste antioqueo. Yecenia Morales, 25, reportedly jumped from the 40-meter high bridge in northern Colombia after hearing a "go" signal intended for her boyfriend., Internasional - Seorang wanita dinyatakan tewas usai melompat dari ketinggian 40 meter karena salah mengartikan aba-aba permainan ekstrem bungee jumping. Yecenia Morales, 25, fell to her death in a mishap at a bungee-jumping site in Colombia. En horas de la tarde de este domingo falleci una joven universitaria al caer en un viaducto ubicado entre los municipios de Amag y Fredonia en Antioquia, cuando intentaba practicar bungee jumping. "In. Yecenia Morales, 25, fell 150ft from the viaduct in Amaga, northern Colombia, on Sunday. Chaitra Krishnamurthy. "No es cierto que la joven de 25 aos haya saltado por la confusin", empresa asegura que nadie dio una orden. According to footage taken by witnesses, the bungee operator yelled to Yecenia Morales Gomez's boyfriend to "jump now," but Yecenia Morales Gomez instead jumped. They had journeyed together to the Amaga viaduct. The couple were the 90th jumpers of the day, Fox News reported. 19 Jul 2021 - 02:39 pm. Kolumbijanka Yecenia Morales sa s partnerom vydala na most . . Yecenia Morales, 25, is believed to have leapt from the 40-metre bridge in northern Colombia after hearing a 'go' signal meant for her boyfriend. Siguiente Video. NEW YORK POST - A Colombian bungee-jumper plummeted to her death after a communications mishap. The young woman had gone with her boyfriend to enjoy this activity that has la empresa Sky Bungee Jumping.This is located in a viaduct of the old Antioquia . Yecenia Morales Gmez, 25, tragically died when she followed the wrong signal to jump before she even hit the ground. desanor. Woman with unattached bungee cord jumps to her death after hearing a signal meant for her boyfriend | Daily Mail Online Yecenia Morales, 25, jumped from a bridge in Amaga on Sunday to her death The. Yecenia Morales Bungee Jumping Accident Viral Video - Who Is Colombian Woman Yecenia Morales Gomez?A woman died during a bungee jump after jumping off a brid. No ltimo domingo (18), ela saltou de um antigo viaduto que fica entre as cidades de Amag e Fredonia. Su caso caus revuelo en redes sociales debido a que el accidente qued registrado en un video de un aficionado , que capt el momento en que la joven de 25 aos . por Noti.Mexico 25-year-old Yecenia Morales plummeted to her death after she thought a bungee jumping staff member signaled for her to jump. La joven fallecida fue identificada como Yecenia Morales. - El alcalde de Fredonia, Gustavo Guzmn, inform que Yecenia Morales Gmez muri a causa de un paro cardaco durante la cada del viaducto que se usa para saltos de entre Amag y Fredonia, en Antioquia. Z dobrodrustva, o ktorom plnovala hovori svojm priateom a rodine, sa tak vemi rchlo stala tragdia. . The young woman reportedly died in midair from a massive heart attack after she realised too late that she had made a disastrous mistake. Az eset vasrnap trtnt Kolumbiban. Sebuah video korban melompat dari jembatan direkam oleh turis lain . A date between a 25-year-old woman and her boyfriend, went horribly wrong this week in Colombia, following what authorities claim was a: "communication misha. But staff had given her boyfriend the signal to jump not her. 18:52 hs. But staff had given her boyfriend the signal to . Yecenia Morales, 25, fell more than 150ft to her death on Sunday after leaping off a bridge mistakenly believing she had a bungee cord attached. (VIDEO) First-time jumper Yecenia Morales, 25, and her unnamed boyfriend had traveled to the Amag viaduct a popular bungee spot on an excursion organized by local company Sky Bungee Jumping, according to Newsflash. Pengaman belum terpasang, dia sudah melompat dari ketinggian 45 meter. The incident occurred Sunday in Amaga, a town in northern Colombia, when Yecenia Morales, 25, was waiting . 6 months ago. Sky Bungee Jumping had already oversaw 89 other jumpers that day. Morales' boyfriend, who was in line ahead of Morales, was told to take the plunge by the operators. To make things more tragic, her death was due to a simple miscommunication. A BUNGEE jumper who plummeted 160ft to her death is believed to have died of a heart attack mid-air after realising she wasn't attached to the bungee cord. this is. Yecenia Morales, 25, is believed to have leapt from the 40-metre bridge in northern Colombia after hearing a 'go' signal meant for her boyfriend. Yecenia Morales, 25, reportedly leapt from the bridge in northern Colombia after hearing a signal meant for her boyfriend. A young woman has died on a bungee jump after reportedly mistaking the signal to go before her cord had been attached. The young lawyer fell more than 150ft(46m) to her death, believing she had the bungee safety cord attached to her body. Una mujer de 25 aos identificada como Yecenia Morales muri cuando practicaba bungee jumping. Muri cuando hizo un salto al vaco de bungee jumping lanzndose al precipicio sin los equipos de seguridad debidamente colocados. Yecenia Morales was prepping for her first ever bungee jump with her boyfriend the couple were both about to jump off a bridge in Amaga, Colombia when tragedy struck. The spot is a popular location amongst sports thrill seekers. Yecenia Morales, una joven de Colombia perdi la vida tras caer al vaco mientras practicaba Bungee Jumping en una zona entre los municipios de Amag y Fredonia, Antioquia segn lo informado por medios locales. El vdeo del accidente se ha viralizado en . TOMADO DE: La empresa Sky Bungee Jumping explic que hubo confusin en el hecho que provoc la muerte . La primera versin deja ver que la joven dio el salto cuando le estaban dando las instrucciones de cmo deba hacerlo. Por. En horas de la tarde del pasado domingo falleci una joven universitaria al caer en un viaducto ubicado entre los municipios de Amag y Fredonia en . First-time jumper Yecenia Morales, 25, and her unnamed boyfriend had traveled to the Amag viaduct - a popular bungee spot - on an excursion organized by local company Sky Bungee Jumping . The tragic incident took. Spravila vak fatlnu chybu, ktor sa jej stala osudnou. She fell after an instructor told her boyfriend to jump from. Yecenia Morales, 25, died in the tragic bungee jumping incident when she reportedly leapt from the bridge without a cord upon hearing a signal meant for her boyfriend. Yesenia Morales tena 25 aos Crditos: Especial. . Twenty five-year-old Yecenia Morales fell 150ft from a viaduct in Amaga, northern Colombia, on Sunday, July 18. Her death while bungee jumping (Woman Dies In Bungee Jumping Accident) Is done. Yesenia Morales in Antioquia, Colombia (Yecenia Morales) Gomez was preparing for bungee jumping with her boyfriend. Continan las investigaciones para esclarecer la muerte de Yecenia Morales, falleci en extraas circunstancias al lanzarse de bungee jumping , en el departamento de Antioquia. We apologize, but this video has failed to load. A Colombian woman fell to her death when attempting to bungee jump from a bridge. A BUNGEE jumper who plummeted 160ft to her death is believed to have died of a heart attack mid-air after realising she wasn't attached to the bungee cord. Yecenia Morales, 25, fell over 150 feet from the viaduct in Amaga, northern Colombia, on Sunday. He was 28. (VIDEO) First-time jumper Yecenia Morales, 25, and her unnamed boyfriend had traveled to the Amag viaduct a popular bungee spot on an excursion organized by local company Sky Bungee Jumping, according to Newsflash. Meanwhile, hearing the coach's words, Yeseniya jumped and fell about 160 feet deep. As seen in the video, the young woman thought that the order was for her and jumped without being attached to the safety equipment and the person recording can be heard saying "she killed herself", as it is clear how she jumped into the void and the harness was not attached to the bridge. Who is Yecenia Morales? 24 julio, 2021. Seorang perempuan tewas mengenaskan saat bungee jumping. The 25-year-old suffered a massive heart attack midair after realising her cord was not attached. Yesenia Morales Gomez, a 25-year-old lawyer, died last Sunday, July 18, in the municipality of Feint, on Colombia after jumping into the void by mistake while practicing a sport called bungee jumping, better known as bungee jumping.. A vtima foi identificada como Yecenia Morales. Yecenia Morales, 25, and her unknown boyfriend went on an expedition organized by local company Sky Bungee Jumping to the Amag viaduct, a popular bungee site, Newsflash reported. As the couple's turn arrived . A woman has been killed in a horrifying bungee jumping accident in Colombia. The tragic incident took place in the Colombian province of Antioquia where Yecenia Morales Gmez, 25, leapt 160ft to her death. En un comunicado publicado en su cuenta de Instagram, Sky Bungee Jumping lament la muerte de la joven abogada de . . Colombia. . Fisherman caught on video jumping into water to avoid death sues boat driver. Sadly, Yecenia Morales, one young Colombian woman died when bungee jumping with her boyfriend. First-time jumper Yecenia Morales, 25, and her unnamed boyfriend had traveled to the Amag viaduct a . Muere un joven hispano mientras era reducido por la Polica en EE.UU. Mlada ena Yecenia Morales (25) (nije na fotografiji) poginula je zbog malene greke pri svom prvom pokuaju bungee skoka s dekom.Tragedija se dogodila na mostu u Amagi u Kolumbiji dok se pripremala za skok sa svojim dekom, javlja Perezhilton.. Moralesin deko bio je sljedei na redu, to je navodno trebao biti 90. skok dana. Yecenia Morales, 25, and her boyfriend went to Amag viaduct, a well-known jumping spot, for a trip organized by Sky Bungee Jumping, a local company. Yecenia Morales, 25, was going bungee jumping for the first time with her boyfriend. Video: Joven muere al lanzarse de bungee sin equipo de seguridad tras confundir indicaciones del instructor . Ya, Yecenia Morales (25) salah mengartikan sinyal tanda mulai sehingga ia dilaporkan langsung melompat dari jembatan di Kolombia Utara. A 25 ves Morales ugrs eltt a bartjnak szl hangjelzskor azt hitte, hogy zld utat kapott, s biztonsgosan leugorhat. A woman fell to her death earlier this week after she misheard her bungee jump instructor. A video of the victim jumping to her death from the viaduct was filmed by another tourist on a nearby cliff, reports the Daily Star. COLPRENSA @ElUniversalCtg TOMADO DE: Este domingo, 18 de julio, una joven, identificada como Yecenia Morales, muri al caer de un bungee jumping, en Antioquia. Woman plunges 150 feet to death.Yecenia morales bungee jumping video | Woman plunges 150 feet to death in. Yecenia Morales, 25, jumped when she heard what she believed was the signal for her to go but it was actually intended for her boyfriend. El momento exacto en el que Yecenia Morales se tira fue captado por una telfono . Esto se sabe. A video of the victim jumping to her death from the viaduct was filmed by another tourist on a nearby cliff, reports the Daily Star. Yecenia Morales, 25, leapt to her death despite not having the cord fastened to her ankles and not yet being at the front of the queue. Foto: Richard Emblin. Una joven muri cuando practicaba bungee jumping en Colombia Como Yecenia Morales, fue identificada la vctima, quien junto con algunos de sus amigos. A Columbian woman fell to her death when attempting to bungee jump from a bridge. El puenting o bungee jumping, puentismo en espaol, es una actividad deportiva de riesgo en la que una persona se lanza desde una gran altura, con uno de los puntos de la cuerda atado al . Video del momento en que joven muere al practicar bungee jumping | Alerta Bogot Yecenia Morales Twitter El hecho se registr en Antioquia. Around 100 people were waiting to bungee off a bridge at a. A decreased appetite may be a sign that death is near. Yecenia Morales vasrnap bungee jumpingozva akarta megnnepelni, hogy sikeresen befejezte a jogi tanulmnyait, ennek azonban tragikus vge lett. The. Mlad ena sa s partnerom rozhodla pre adrenalinov zitok, ktorm bol bungee jumping. Yecenia Morales Gmez, 25, tragically . 755 Followers, 1,146 Following, 659 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Yesenia Morales (@yesmoral) Yecenia Morales Foto: Reproduo. Una joven cae al vaco tras intentar "Bungee Jumping". yesenia morales,yesenia morales bungee jumping,yecenia morales,yecenia morales video,yecenia morales gmez,note This footage is from somewhere else . Salto a la muerte: una joven colombiana muere en accidente de 'bungee jumping' Yecenia Morales, de 24 aos, fue a practicar 'bungee jumping' con su novio en un puente del departamento de Antioquia,. Yecenia Morales Death Video Explained, Bungee Jumping Accident Video of Yecenia Morales Wikipedia, Bio, Age, Instagram, Photos, Net Worth Una joven abogada de 24 aos de edad falleci luego de caer al vaco, a una altura de 60 metros, cuando practicaba "bungee Jumping". Aliki Kraterou Invalid Date, THIS is the shocking moment a woman dies while bungee jumping after she followed the wrong signal to jump - and wasn't attached to the cord. EN CONTEXTO: Familia de la abogada que muri tras lanzarse de bungee jumping rompe el silencio La trgica muerte de Yecenia Morales, la abogada que se lanz de un bungee jumping sin equipo de seguridad y falleci sigue siendo noticia. Newsflash At that point, Morales' distraught boyfriend rushed down to his fallen soulmate, whereupon he. Yecenia Morales, de 24 aos, fue a practicar 'bungee jumping' con su novio en un puente del departamento de Antioquia, pero, segn los testigos, no entendi bien las instrucciones y se lanz . A BUNGEE jumper who plummeted 160ft to her death is believed to have died of a heart attack mid-air after realising she wasn't attached to the bungee cord. The . Peristiwa itu terjadi di sebuah lokasi wisata bungee jumping yang di Fredonia, Kolombia utara. A Colombian woman plummeted 164 feet to her death while bungee-jumping without a fastened cord Sunday, Fox News reported. A Colombian woman fell to her death while bungee jumping after she plunged from a bridge without the mandatory cord attached to her after she mistook a jump signal that was meant for her boyfriend. Se trata de la colombiana Yecenia Morales, de 25 aos, quien muri al realizar el salto de bungee despus de que un supuesto percance en las comunicaciones la llevara a saltar del puente sin . EN CONTEXTO: Momento en que abogada se lanza de Bungee Jumping sin equipo de seguridad en Colombia (video) Familia de Yecenia Morales, la joven mujer que falleci trgicamente luego lanzarse de un bungee jumping la despidi este mircoles 21 de julio con un homenaje y rodeada de flores en el cementerio. Cinco das despus de la muerte de Yecenia Morales, quien falleci el domingo mientras practicaba bungee jumping en un viaducto entre Amag y Fredonia, en el suroeste de Antioquia, la empresa con la que esta joven contrat el servicio de pronunci. En los hechos, ocurridos en un viaducto entre los Sky Bungee Jumping organized the expedition, the New York Post reported. Morales' boyfriend . Ela estava acompanhada do namorado e teria pulado por engano ao ouvir uma . El hecho ocurri en la tarde . Around 100 people were waiting to bungee off a bridge at a . Around 100 people were waiting to bungee off a bridge at a height of around 45 meters when the incident occurred.